Our Mission

Our Mission​​

To provide a curriculum of rigor that will drive every performer to push their boundaries, raise their expectations, and achieve beyond their wildest imaginations!

We are an Academy !

“A society or institution of distinguished scholars and artists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field.”

– The Royal Academy of Arts

Our Academy utilizes a selective audition process for admission. As such, we seek artists who are dedicated towards improving their talents, and actively take ownership of their learning.

Our Pedagogical Philosophy - Inquiry-Based Workshop Model

“People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.”

– Walt Disney

Our innovative student-centered curriculum utilizes inquiry-based practices. This style of education puts the student in the center of his or her learning. Through exploration and guidance, each young performer will sharpen, develop, and expand their performing abilities.

“Inquiry based learning … gives students a role in directing their own learning … and enables them to become independent …”

The role of our coaches when delivering this pedagogy is to encourage creativity, foster student understandings, provide critical feedback, and model best practices. As a result, EACH learner feels empowered, takes ownership of the process, buildings strong leadership skills and displays passionate creativity.

Our Mission

To provide a curriculum of rigor that will drive every performer to push their boundaries, raise their expectations, and achieve beyond their wildest imaginations!

We are an Academy !

A society or institution of distinguished scholars and artists that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field.

Our Pedagogical Philosophy

People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true. My answer is, you do it by working.

Our Academy utilizes a selective audition process for admission. As such, we seek artists who are dedicated towards improving their talents, and actively take ownership of their learning.
Our innovative student-centered curriculum utilizes inquiry-based practices. This style of education puts the student in the center of his or her learning. Through exploration and guidance, each young performer will sharpen, develop, and expand their performing abilities.
The role of our coaches when delivering this pedagogy is to encourage creativity, foster student understandings, provide critical feedback, and model best practices. As a result, EACH learner feels empowered, takes ownership of the process, buildings strong leadership skills and displays passionate creativity.